

I worked a volunteer shift at our local emergency night shelter a number of years ago. It was supposed to be a one off, but working with and for people who are homeless has become a passion. Try and see the person not the label. These organisations may be able to help if you see someone living on the streets who needs assistance.

Street Link

If you see someone living on the streets, tell Street Link and they will try and link them up with local help.


Forest Emergency Night Shelter

The emergency shelter runs from November to March each year, and provides a roof to those who need it in the winter months.


I volunteer here, so here’s a couple of posts about my experience at the shelter.



Christian Kitchen

The CK sets up in a car park just off the High Street every single night of the year. They provide hot food, warm drinks and a friendly smile to those living through homelessness in Walthamstow. That’s right, they are there every single night of the year, which is an epic achievement.


Branches Hostel

Branches works with single people who are homeless, They offer a room, training, and help to move on. They are the only hostel of this king in borough and are under incredible pressure.
